Aims of GNOEC and Committee

The aims of Garfield North Outdoor Education Centre are:

  • To provide facilities for the provision of outdoor education programs for the students of the member schools, particularly at Garfield North
  • To develop and maintain these facilities
  • To provide outdoor education programs for the students of the member schools
  • To provide outdoor education programs for the staff of the member schools
  • To publish and distribute handbooks and other documents concerning the aims
  • To foster increased awareness of outdoor education within specialist schools and the broader community, with special emphasis on providing for disabled people and on safety aspects
  • To raise funds for the aims and maintain appropriate records of all financial transactions
  • To develop and maintain mutually productive and rewarding relationships with the residents within the immediate vicinity of the facilities

To meet these aims, a committee is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. The committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the camp. The committee meets about eight times a year, including the representative meetings. As with the representative meetings, the committee meetings are also a time for work around the camp facilities and grounds scheduled tasks to do health and safety checks as well as minor maintenance. They are also times to check for and arrange for, more specialized items of maintenance, such as plumbing and electricity work. All this helps to keep the costs to member schools to a minimum.


The current committee members are:

  • President (and Maintenance): Neisha Gange (Ashwood School)
  • Vice president: Helen Hatherley (Volunteer)
  • Secretary (and Public Officer): Victoria Ferguson (Dandenong Valley SDS)
  • Treasurer: Mary Davern (Frankston SDS)
  • Roster/bookings: please email
  • Committee members: Victor Lim (Bulleen Heights), Kaye Molyneux (Volunteer)

We have many active volunteers who attend most committee meetings as observers (and to help with the work!): Cathy McDonald, Heather Jackson, Stuart Cordy, Glenys Stevenson, Julian Collas-Smith, Julian Moloney, Tony Thomas.


You can view the GNOEC Constitution here.